

INTRODUCTION: I'm a girl in her twenties trying to Navigate her way into Tech and It's been.. a process, I've lost the motivation to do Anything Tech related because it's been alot to take in for me, I have been overwhelmed like I can't do it, so I was told to document my journey that I will look back at this moments and laugh(I pray), and above all to ask questions when you're lost so here I am..

MY STORY: In April, I started my journey into Tech and God! It has been alot from a total novice I mean the worst you could imagine to actually creating my first webpage(I know I gonna look at it years from now and laugh at myself) but it's a big thing for me and sometimes, most times actually I fail to appreciate the little things and I'm happy about that and I know I'm still growing, I still have a long way to go, but I'm now just learning to enjoy the ride🏂. I have cried, been soo happy(I can't belive a few lines of words/numbers made me that happy) I have been frustrated, I've said I can't, I won't do it again, but I remember that happiness and fulfillment I felt writing my first "hello world" and here we are yes, still get confused, happy, sad and everything in-between, but I know that Good thing's take time and I'm still in the process, I'm still Baking, but I know I'm going to ✨ AMAZING ✨